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What to do with over ripped bananas?

Turn those brown bananas into a quick and delicious dessert

How many bananas have you thrown out? Countless. My husband and I are not fans of the texture once those brown spots start to show up. I've made it my mission in the past year to minimize waste and use what we have on hand. A few days ago I saw the bananas starting to brown so I started to look up what I could do with over ripped bananas and I found a lot of ideas but I didn't have a lot of the ingredients for many of these, so I worked with what I had and oh my... I will be repeating this recipe.

This is how your bananas should look to get the sweetest point

What's so great about it?

One of my favorite desserts growing up was my mom's Salvadoran Budin (Banana bread pudding). This recipe is a mix of the Salvadoran budin and banana bread! It's a... dense bread. That's the best way I can describe it and then you throw in BIG chocolate chips and cinnamon on top and it just all melts in your mouth.

What do you need?

The more ripe the banana, the better! This will help with the density of the bread and have that bread pudding texture. Below is the list of ingredients I used, keep in my mind you can sub as you wish! I used my favorite big mixing bowl to throw everything in and a fork of whisk to incorporate everything! Below is the list of ingredients you will need!


  • 2 over ripped bananas

  • 2 eggs at room temp

  • 3/4 cup of flour

  • 1/2 cup of brow sugar

  • 1 tsp sea salt

  • 1 tbsp vanilla

  • 1 tbsp ground cinnamon

  • however many chocolate chips your heart desires

  • 1 tbsp of butter or non stick baking spray

Gooey banana and chocolate chips!

What to do with over ripped bananas, G?

Alright, first thing is first... blast your favorite song! Now that you are ready, let's begin.

  1. Pre-heat your over to 350 degrees

  2. Start by peeling and mashing your bananas in your bowl

  3. Crack your eggs and whisk them to incorporate into your banana mash

  4. Add your the flour, sugar, salt, vanilla, cinnamon and mix well

  5. Butter your pan and pour the mixture

  6. The last step is to throw in all the chocolate you want on top, you may want to sink some of the chocolate a little bit. Make sure to not sink it all the way down as it may burn at the very bottom.

  7. Cook for 45 mins, if you double the recipe cook for 55 minutes

Let it cool and enjoy! You could get wild and serve it with a scoop of ice cream...


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