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Get to know G! Let's make pupusas together

I swear in a blink of eye I aged 30 years. All of the sudden I have this urge to write a blog... A. BLOG. Is this part of the 'señora phase?' This urge is accompanied by plants all over my house (the kind that need water and sunlight to live), coffee with pan dulce every morning and not wanting to leave the house. What a time to be alive.

Anywho, I figured "why not?" WIX is is free (#NOTANAD). So here I am writing my first post. But before I continue I must warn you... I'M NOT A WRITER. This blog post alone will probably have more grammar mistakes than my seven year old nephew's English assignment. Partly, because Spanish was my first language but also because I didn't pay attention in English class. :)

Some days I feel like I have so much to share with anyone that will lend me their ear (or eyes in this case) but the next day I want to hide in my house and not speak to a soul outside of my husband, Ivan and my fur son, Niko. But I won't bore you with my life story, instead I want to share a big part of me, my roots, where I come from... Salvadoran cuisine.

I was born is San Vicente, San Salvador, El Salvador. I lived the first six years of my life surviving off frijoles, queso, tortillas hechas a mano and all the other delicious food that my family til this day continues to make. Believe it or not, Pupusas are not the only dish that will make your taste buds dance with delight! There are plenty of dishes that deserve to be known and I'm super excited to share the recipes that have been passed down to me by the women in my family. It will be like a love letter to my country, my tias, mis abuelas and my mom.

Come back every week as I share one recipe at a time and help you discover el sabor de El Salvador. I'll try to keep my stories short, I promise! In the meantime enjoy some beautiful moments with the most important person and fur son below.


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